Thursday, March 29, 2007

finally something new

I know, its been forever since I last updated with any new work. Life outside of Art school is hard stuff. I work so much that i dont have much time to work on my own stuff, and when I do, its hard to get motivated to start something. But i got an Idea for an original character and did a nice water color painting about it.its my Geisha spy! I got the idea after playing a video game dealing with spy's and agents and thought it would be cool if there were a geisha who was really a spy for America or just the allied forces during WWII who used to skills as a Geisha to get info from government officals while she entertained them. But since no Geisha gets invited to every party, sho would need some ninja/spy training so should could get even more info.

It was really nice to be working on some stuff, and I think my little artist block is over and that I shall get back into the habbit of ding regular work. I soon hope to visit the closed buddhist temple with the lotas pond soon to see the lotas blossems in bloom. More to come!